offers to you a list of members of different sex than yours, sorted by the nearest city and with a difference of 5 years old (less or more)
Information about this calculation at the bottom of this pageMatchmaker for successful couples is a trademark of Research and selectively is a clean good of the Society used for successful matching, men and women spiritly engaging looking to find the love of their life. Our process helping you to find your Future companion combines sophisticated methods of recruitment managers and search algorithms with matchmaking intuition to create a holistic approach to each search.
Attention: Good to know
The calculation of distance is between the cities recorded on member accounts and on the web. The calculation is then based on the coordinates of the city that you saved to your profile and not to the city where you are because it can be different. You should know that this calculation and the result can not be exact for these reasons:
- The calculation does not take into account the altitude, which in some places can influence the distance
- Distance is "bird's eye" and not a road distance
- Location Latitude / longitude of a city based on a point (usually the mayor of the city in question), so the distance does not begin just outside the city but the center of the city. Thus, for example, to Paris calculating distance between two bonded joint can give 0km ..